The Office 365 Fiddler Extension is an Office 365 client application, server and services centric parser.
With this extension expect to see relevant information for troubleshooting brought front and center, driving your attention to what matters.
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1 minute read
You are troubleshooting Outlook and Exchange Online. You have Fiddler running to troubleshoot with HTTPS decryption enabled. You expect a modern authenticati...
4 minute read
How do you capture Fiddler traces from mobile devices or non-Windows computers? This our the definitive guide on the subject.
1 minute read
Why are all or most of the sessions in my Fiddler trace Connect Tunnels?
less than 1 minute read
Why does the Office 365 Fiddler Extension collect telemetry?
1 minute read
v1.0.70 will be the next release of the extension, everything you need to know about using this new version is here.